| Pg 2 | Brad McDanel

Upcoming Invited Talk at Chicago Workshop on Coding and Learning (Dec. 2nd)

I will be giving a 25 minute invited talk at the 2022 Chicago Workshop on Coding and Learning on December […]

Invited Talk at Google Workshop on Sparsity and Adaptive Computation!

I was invited to give a talk at the Google Workshop on Sparsity and Adaptive Computation. The event was a […]

Check out our preprint on accelerating ViT training using patch sampling!

Read more here!

I am co-organizing the first ICML Workshop on Dynamic Neural Networks (DyNN)!

Please read more about the workshop here. Submissions deadline is May 25th.

Our paper on Structured Data Gradient Pruning was accepted to ICPR’22!

See the preprint here.

Our paper on BFP Training was accepted to HPCA’22!

Find the preprint here.

Our paper on leveraging bit-level sparsity in RRAM was accepted to ISCAS’21!

Find the preprint here.

Our Multi-resolution Quantization paper was conditionally accepted to ASPLOS’21!

Find the preprint here.

Our Term Quantization paper was accepted to SC’20!

Find the paper here.

Joined F&M College as a Assistant Professor of Computer Science

I am so excited to be joining Franklin and Marshall College! I will be teaching Introduction to Computer Science I […]